Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Fake "Ethics in Genetics" Blog

As an update to my post on Michael Crichton's soon-to-be-released novel, Next, I'd like to point out that HarperCollins has also created a fake blog called Ethics in Genetics. The posts are all about "weird transgenics" and such, and written as if a real person is behind the posts*. The blogger says that the idea of genetically-modified animals or foodstuffs "scares" him. That is definitely a running theme. I think it's pretty safe bet that the novel will be about genetic engineering run amok.

It looks like the comments are open, so I'm going to leave a couple. We'll see if they get through moderation.

(via AdJab, which points out that there are fake ads on YouTube as well.

* Yes, I know there is a real person (or people) behind the blog, but what I meant is that it's written in a folksy first person style.

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