Tuesday, November 07, 2006

NLB on Bio-technology Fiction

The National Library Board of Singapore (NLB) has an online brochure on SCIENCE FICTION - SubGenre: Bio-Technology (pdf). It's pretty generic, simply listing a bunch of authors without citing any particular works. However, I thought their view of the genre was interesting:
What is unique about this sub-genre of Science Fiction is that it explores the possibilites of technology that challenges the limits of morality. It is, in simple terms, stories of how we, as homo sapiens, can reflect on what it means to be human.
There is more about science fiction on the NLB ASK! blog. (via SF Signal).



  1. Hi, I'm sure I speak for my colleagues when I say we're tickled to know the post has been cited :) Yes, you're right -- it's mainly a listing. We're thinking about how to expand it though. You've given us something to consider at least. Thanks!

  2. I think it's a neat idea to introduce people to different genres. Let me know if you expand it, and I'll post about it.


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