Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Science in Fiction Project

If you need inspiration to to read some good science-based fiction - either science fiction or "lab lit" - you might want to sign up for the Science in Fiction Project.
You might be asking yourself where you would even start with finding out about novels that are science-oriented. I didn’t know where to start either, so I googled “science in fiction” and found a great resource called lablit.com. At their site they talk about the very idea I had, and many of the books on their list are ones I had planned on reading at some point anyway. Some of these include Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman, The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon, Measuring the World by Daniel Kehlmann, Crow Lake by Mary Lawson, and Intuition by Allegra Goodman. It’s a great list to start from.
And, of course, you could alway check out some of the SF suggestions over in the sidebar.

Anyway, I've signed up and I'm keeping an eye on the reviews by other project members. I'll add a review of my own, once I actually get through one of the novels on my nightstand.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Jennifer Rohn has done a fantastic job at lablit.com. There is a lively and friendly forum, too, at http://forums.lablit.com/


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