Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of the Year Stats

Here's what visits and visitors to Biology in Science Fiction in 2008 looked like:

Most Visited Posts
Some old, some new this year (*)

1. Parasites that Control Behavior
* 2. Stenonychosaurus on the Moon
3. Farandolae
* 4. How Alien Should Science Fiction Aliens Be?
* 5. GenPets: Bioengineered Pets Perfect For You
6. Vampirism as Disease
7. Genetics of Heroes
8. Real Elves
* 9. What Kills Everybody in The Happening?
* 10. Splice: Rock and Roll Geneticists and the Horror of Genetic Engineering

Top 10 Search Terms

1. genpets/genpet
2. farandolae
3. vampirism disease
4. real elves/are elves real
5. biology in science fiction
6. superpower flying
7. stenonychosaurus
8. chromatophores
9. science fiction
10. centaur anatomy (tie)
10. future diseases (tie)

Top Referring Sites
(excluding Google, Stumbleupon, BlogCatalog and the like)

1. Jeff Rense Program
2. io9
3. Red Ice Creations
4. SF Signal
5. Cocktail Party Physics
6. Wikipedia: 2Suit
7. Wookieepedia: Midi-chlorian
8. This Week in Evolution
9. Maajak World
10. From a Sci-Fi Standpoint

Thanks for the links!

Top 10 Countries
Visits from the US outnumbered visits from Canada and the UK by a factor of ten.

1. United States
2. Canada
3. United Kingdom
4. Australia
5. India
6. Germany
7. Philippines
8. Netherlands
9. Spain
10. France

Top 10 Cities
Some of the cities were listed twice by Google Analytics. I've combined their numbers.

1. London, UK
2. New York, NY
3. Sydney, Australia
4. Chicago, IL
5. Brooklyn, NY
6 Houston, TX
7. San Francisco, CA
8. Seattle, WA
9. Melbourne, Australia
10. West Hollywood, CA

Followed closely by Brisbane, Columbia (MO), Toronto, Vancouver, Los Angeles, and Austin (TX).

Browsers and OS

Internet Explorer 47%
Firefox 42%
Safari 7%

Windows 83%
Macintosh 14%
Linux 2%

Thanks to everyone who stopped by Biology in Science Fiction this year!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Thanks for leading me to post #4. I'd been thinking about this issue and it's good to see what biologically informed people think on the subject.


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