Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Crossed Genres "Science in My Fiction" Contest

I've been totally remiss in not promoting the Crossed Genres "Science in My Fiction" contest.
Here’s how it works: Authors write a science fiction or fantasy short story which is inspired by a scientific discovery or innovation made or announced within the past year. It can’t be peripherally added: the science must be integral to the story. Writers must include a link to a relevant article or study of the applied science when they submit their stories.

We’ll be looking for thoughtful, creative and well-researched application of science to a story. This doesn’t mean you should neglect your plot or characters, though! The best entries will be those which use science to enhance the plot, setting and characters, rather than dominate them.
First place is $250, a 2-year online subscription to Crossed Genres, and a print copy of the Crossed Genres Year One anthology.  There are cash prizes for second and third place too.

Get all the details and submit an entry.

Crossed Genres is also running a fundraiser at Kickstarter to raise the money to put the winning stories into print. 
The print edition this drive funds will be the one and only time the contest winners are put into print - it's now or never! Pledging to the drive is the only way to get a copy of the winning stories!

If we successfully raise the funds, the print edition will be thoroughly edited by the editors of Crossed Genres, and published with original cover art.
There are some great bonuses you can get along with the print edition, so be sure to check it out and consider making a donation.

Deadline for story entries is June 30th.

Deadline for donations is May 31st.

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