Friday, April 30, 2010

Science Fiction Poetry (with Biology): Jonathan Vos Post

April is National Poetry Month, so before the calender turns to May, I'm kicking off what will be an occasional series of posts featuring science fiction poetry - with biology, of course - that's available for free online.

Jonathan Vos Post - called "greatest nerd of all times"1, and creator of the Ultimate Science Fiction Poetry Guide - also writes science fictional poetry.

Two of the poems he has made available on his web site have biological themes:

Read more poetry by Jonathan Vos Post

And check out his page on the Ultimate Science Fiction Web Guide about Ecology and Biology


1. From Vos Post's  LiveJournal profile:
Jonathan Vos Post is a part-time Professor of Mathematics, who has also taught Anthropology, Astronomy, Computer Science, Ecology, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and other subjects. He is also a professional Science Fiction author who has co-authored or co-edited with Ray Bradbury, Richard Feynman, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, and many others, for his nearly 900 publications, presentations, and broadcasts. A failed actor, who has sold some plays; a failed musician, whose lyrics have made it to MTV; he has finally succeeded as a husband and father, and is thus a happy man, eager to share his delight in life. His primary concern is attempting to answer three little questions: (1) what is the universe, and how does it work?; (2) what is a human being?; and (3) what is the place of a human being in the universe?


  1. This is my first time visiting your blog, but I have to say I really enjoy it. Sometimes it is difficult to find items that will click with students, but your resources are great. For some students, all it might take is reading a poem or connecting with "science fiction" to understand a concept. Great resources!

  2. I love films that pose questions-and how great if they can allow you to come to your own conclusions without forcing a point of view down your throat. Ever since I started my own film, with Avenstar Productions and Simple Happy LLC., I have lots of appreciation for what it takes to entertain, scare, maintain suspense, and yes, educate. I think a lot of the pleasure and excitement that an audience can feel while watching a film is by how much was given away in trailers and other forms of marketing. Ours' is a new age/other-wordly movie with a message. It's called Shamashara, and it has its own unlikely 'heros' and its own brand of misfits. No matter the genre I think it's important to inject a sense of fun…. and a little mystery too. And, in case you didn't know, Shamshara is the new secret.
    thanks for listening,

  3. Anonymous11:59 PM

    I have to say I really enjoy it. Great resources!

  4. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Great resources!
    click here


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