Monday, October 01, 2012

New post at SIMF: The Future of Green Energy?

I have a new post up at Science In My Fiction that takes a look at a literally green form energy: the use of the electrical potential between plants and the soil they are growing in to power electronic devices. While it is unlikely that our woods and parks will be able to charge our smart phones any time soon, there is already the potential for the development of environmental monitoring devices in remote locations that require no batteries and minimal human intervention. 

I like to think that someday we'll be using electronic devices that require so little current that maybe we could be able to simply plant a few trees in our backyards for our energy needs. 

Or perhaps botanists could engineer plants with a bit more potential? If the Tnuctipun could engineer trees into living rocket boosters, we humans should be able to design trees that could replace diesel generators, right? Maybe just in science fiction.

Read The Future of Green Energy? at Science in My Fiction

Image: Violation by hapal, on Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons.

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